Raw Transaction API
import {JsonRpcClient} from '@defichain/jellyfish-api-jsonrpc'
const client = new JsonRpcClient('http://foo:bar@localhost:8554')
// Using client.rawtx.
const something = await client.rawtx.method()
Create a transaction spending the given inputs and creating new outputs that returns a hex-encoded raw transaction. Note that the transaction's inputs are not signed, and it is not stored in the wallet or transmitted to the network.
interface rawtx {
createRawTransaction (
inputs: CreateRawTxIn[],
outputs: CreateRawTxOut,
options: CreateRawTxOptions = {}
): Promise<string>
interface CreateRawTxOptions {
locktime?: number
replaceable?: boolean
interface CreateRawTxIn {
txid: string
vout: number
sequence?: number
interface CreateRawTxOut {
[address: string]: BigNumber
Sign inputs for raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded), providing an array of base58-encoded private keys that will be the keys used to sign the transaction. An optional array of previous transaction outputs that this transaction depends on but may not yet be in the blockchain.
interface rawtx {
signRawTransactionWithKey (
rawTx: string,
privKeys: string[],
options: SignRawTxWithKeyOptions = {}
): Promise<SignRawTxWithKeyResult>
interface SignRawTxWithKeyOptions {
prevTxs?: SignRawTxWithKeyPrevTx[]
sigHashType?: SigHashType
interface SignRawTxWithKeyPrevTx {
txid: string
vout: number
scriptPubKey: string
redeemScript?: string
witnessScript?: string
amount?: BigNumber
enum SigHashType {
ALL = 'ALL',
interface SignRawTxWithKeyResult {
hex: string
complete: boolean
errors: Array<SignRawTxWithKeyError>
interface SignRawTxWithKeyError {
txid: string
vout: number
scriptSig: string
sequence: number
error: string
Returns result of mempool acceptance tests indicating if raw transaction would be accepted by mempool. This checks if the transaction violates the consensus or policy rules. The fee rate is expressed in DFI/kB, using the vSize of the transaction.
interface rawtx {
testMempoolAccept (
signedTx: string,
maxFeeRate: BigNumber = new BigNumber('0')
): Promise<TestMempoolAcceptResult>
interface TestMempoolAcceptResult {
txid: string
allowed: boolean
'reject-reason'?: string
Submit a raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded) to the connected node and network. The transaction will be sent unconditionally to all peers, so using this for manual rebroadcast may degrade privacy by leaking the transaction's origin, as nodes will normally not rebroadcast non-wallet transactions already in their mempool.
interface rawtx {
sendRawTransaction (
signedTx: string,
maxFeeRate: BigNumber = new BigNumber('0')
): Promise<string>
Get raw transaction data
interface rawtx {
getRawTransaction (txid: string, verbose: false): Promise<string>
getRawTransaction (txid: string, verbose: false, blockHash: string): Promise<string>
getRawTransaction (txid: string, verbose: true): Promise<RawTransaction>
getRawTransaction (txid: string, verbose: true, blockHash: string): Promise<RawTransaction>
getRawTransaction (txid: string, verbose?: boolean, blockHash?: string): Promise<string | RawTransaction>
interface RawTransaction {
in_active_chain?: boolean
txid: string
hash: string
version: number
size: number
vsize: number
weight: number
locktime: number
vin: Vin[]
vout: Vout[]
hex: string
blockhash: string
confirmations: number
time: number
blocktime: number
interface Vin {
coinbase?: string
txid: string
vout: number
scriptSig: {
asm: string
hex: string
txinwitness?: string[]
sequence: string
interface Vout {
value: BigNumber
n: number
scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey
tokenId: number
interface ScriptPubKey {
asm: string
hex: string
type: string
reqSigs: number
addresses: string[]