import {JsonRpcClient} from '@defichain/jellyfish-api-jsonrpc'
const client = new JsonRpcClient('http://foo:bar@localhost:8554')

// Using client.spv.
const something = await client.spv.method()


Creates and adds a Bitcoin address to the SPV wallet.

interface spv {
  getNewAddress (): Promise<string>


Returns a Bitcoin address's public key.

interface spv {
  getAddressPubKey (address: string): Promise<string>


List balances by receiving address.

interface spv {
  listReceivedByAddress (minConfirmation: number = 1, address?: string): Promise<ReceivedByAddressInfo[]>

interface ReceivedByAddressInfo {
  address: string
  type: string
  amount: BigNumber
  confirmations: number
  txids: string[]


Send a Bitcoin amount to a given address.

interface spv {
  sendToAddress (address: string, amount: BigNumber, options: SpvDefaultOptions = { feeRate: new BigNumber('10000') }): Promise<SendMessageResult>

interface SpvDefaultOptions {
  feeRate?: BigNumber

interface SendMessageResult {
  txid: string
  sendmessage: string


Creates a Bitcoin address whose funds can be unlocked with a seed or as a refund.

interface spv {
  createHtlc (receiverPubKey: string, ownerPubKey: string, options: CreateHtlcOptions): Promise<CreateHtlcResult>

interface CreateHtlcOptions {
  timeout: string
  seedhash?: string

interface CreateHtlcResult {
  address: string
  redeemScript: string
  seed?: number
  seedhash?: string


Decode and return value in a HTLC redeemscript.

interface spv {
  decodeHtlcScript (redeemScript: string): Promise<DecodeHtlcResult>

interface DecodeHtlcResult {
  sellerkey: string
  buyerkey: string
  blocks: number
  hash: string


Claims all coins in HTLC address.

interface spv {
  claimHtlc (scriptAddress: string, destinationAddress: string, options: ClaimHtlcOptions): Promise<SendMessageResult>

interface ClaimHtlcOptions {
  seed: string
  feeRate?: BigNumber

interface SendMessageResult {
  txid: string
  sendmessage: string


Returns the HTLC secret if available.

interface spv {
  getHtlcSeed (address: string): Promise<string>


Refunds all coins in HTLC address.

interface spv {
  refundHtlc (scriptAddress: string, destinationAddress: string, options: SpvDefaultOptions = { feeRate: new BigNumber('10000') }): Promise<SendMessageResult>

interface SpvDefaultOptions {
  feeRate?: BigNumber

interface SendMessageResult {
  txid: string
  sendmessage: string


Gets all HTLC contracts stored in wallet and creates refunds transactions for all that have expired

interface spv {
  refundHtlcAll (destinationAddress: string, options: SpvDefaultOptions = { feeRate: new BigNumber('10000') }): Promise<string[]>

interface SpvDefaultOptions {
  feeRate?: BigNumber


List all outputs related to HTLC addresses in the wallet.

interface spv {
  listHtlcOutputs (scriptAddress?: string): Promise<ListHtlcsOutputsResult[]>

interface SpentInfo {
  txid: string
  confirms: number

interface ListHtlcsOutputsResult {
  txid: string
  vout: number
  amount: BigNumber
  address: string
  confirms: number
  spent: SpentInfo


List anchor reward confirms.

interface spv {
  listAnchorRewardConfirms (): Promise<ListAnchorRewardConfirmsResult[]>

export interface ListAnchorRewardConfirmsResult {
  btcTxHeight: number
  btcTxHash: string
  anchorHeight: number
  dfiBlockHash: string
  prevAnchorHeight: number
  rewardAddress: string
  confirmSignHash: string
  signers: number


List unrewarded anchors.

interface spv {
  listAnchorsUnrewarded (): Promise<ListAnchorsResult[]>

interface ListAnchorsResult {
  btcBlockHeight: number
  btcBlockHash: string
  btcTxHash: string
  previousAnchor: string
  defiBlockHeight: number
  defiBlockHash: string
  rewardAddress: string
  confirmations: number
  signatures: number
  active?: boolean
  anchorCreationHeight?: number


List anchor rewards.

interface spv {
  listAnchorRewards (): Promise<ListAnchorRewardsResult[]>

interface ListAnchorRewardsResult {
  AnchorTxHash: string
  RewardTxHash: string


Create, sign and send anchor tx, using only SPV API.

interface spv {
  createAnchor (
    createAnchorInputs: CreateAnchorInput[], rewardAddress: string, options: CreateAnchorOptions = { send: true, feerate: 1000 }
  ): Promise<CreateAnchorResult>

interface CreateAnchorInput {
  txid: string
  vout: number
  amount: number
  privkey: string

interface CreateAnchorOptions {
  send?: boolean
  feerate?: number

interface CreateAnchorResult {
  txHex: string
  txHash: string
  defiHash: string
  defiHeight: number
  estimatedReward: BigNumber
  cost: BigNumber
  sendResult: number
  sendMessage: string


List anchors.

interface spv {
  listAnchors (
    options: ListAnchorsOptions = { minBtcHeight: -1, maxBtcHeight: -1, minConfs: -1, maxConfs: -1, startBTCHeight: -1, limit: -1 }
  ): Promise<ListAnchorsResult[]>

interface ListAnchorsOptions {
  minBtcHeight?: number
  maxBtcHeight?: number
  minConfs?: number
  maxConfs?: number
  startBTCHeight?: number
  limit?: number

interface ListAnchorsResult {
  btcBlockHeight: number
  btcBlockHash: string
  btcTxHash: string
  previousAnchor: string
  defiBlockHeight: number
  defiBlockHash: string
  rewardAddress: string
  confirmations: number
  signatures: number
  active?: boolean
  anchorCreationHeight?: number


List pending anchors in mempool.

interface spv {
  listAnchorsPending (): Promise<ListAnchorsResult[]>

interface ListAnchorsResult {
  btcBlockHeight: number
  btcBlockHash: string
  btcTxHash: string
  previousAnchor: string
  defiBlockHeight: number
  defiBlockHash: string
  rewardAddress: string
  confirmations: number
  signatures: number
  active?: boolean
  anchorCreationHeight?: number


List anchor auths.

interface spv {
  listAnchorAuths (): Promise<ListAnchorAuthsResult[]>

interface ListAnchorAuthsResult {
  previousAnchor: string
  blockHeight: number
  blockHash: string
  creationHeight: number
  signers: number
  signees?: string[]


Set last height on BTC chain, use for testing purpose.

interface spv {
  setLastHeight (height: number): Promise<void>