Wallet API

import {JsonRpcClient} from '@defichain/jellyfish-api-jsonrpc'
const client = new JsonRpcClient('http://foo:bar@localhost:8554')

// Using client.wallet.
const something = await client.wallet.method()


Returns the total available balance in wallet.

  • minimumConfirmation to include transactions confirmed at least this many times.
  • includeWatchOnly for watch-only wallets, otherwise
    • Include balance in watch-only addresses (see importAddress)
interface wallet {
  getBalance (minimumConfirmation: number = 0,
              includeWatchOnly: boolean = false): Promise<BigNumber>


Identical to getBalance to get untrusted pending balance.

interface wallet {
  getUnconfirmedBalance (): Promise<BigNumber>


Returns an object with all balances.

interface wallet {
  getBalances (): Promise<WalletBalances>

interface WalletBalances {
  mine: WalletMineBalances
  watchonly?: WalletWatchOnlyBalances

interface WalletMineBalances {
  trusted: BigNumber
  untrusted_pending: BigNumber
  immature: BigNumber
  used?: BigNumber

interface WalletWatchOnlyBalances {
  trusted: BigNumber
  untrusted_pending: BigNumber
  immature: BigNumber


Get list of UTXOs in wallet.

interface wallet {
  listUnspent (
    minimumConfirmation = 1,
    maximumConfirmation = 9999999,
    options: ListUnspentOptions = {},
  ): Promise<UTXO[]>

interface ListUnspentOptions {
  addresses?: string[]
  includeUnsafe?: boolean
  queryOptions?: ListUnspentQueryOptions

interface ListUnspentQueryOptions {
  minimumAmount?: number
  maximumAmount?: number
  maximumCount?: number
  minimumSumAmount?: number
  tokenId?: string

interface UTXO {
  txid: string
  vout: number
  address: string
  label: string
  scriptPubKey: string
  amount: BigNumber
  tokenId: number
  confirmations: number
  redeemScript: number
  witnessScript: number
  spendable: boolean
  solvable: boolean
  reused: string
  desc: string
  safe: boolean


Create a new wallet.

interface wallet {
  createWallet (walletName: string, disablePrivateKeys = false, options: CreateWalletOptions = {}): Promise<CreateWalletResult>

interface CreateWalletOptions {
  blank?: boolean
  passphrase?: string
  avoidReuse?: boolean

interface CreateWalletResult {
  name: string
  warning: string


Get detailed information about in-wallet transaction

interface wallet {
  getTransaction (txid: string, includeWatchOnly: boolean = true): Promise<InWalletTransaction>

interface InWalletTransaction {
  amount: BigNumber
  fee: number
  confirmations: number
  blockhash: string
  blockindex: number
  blocktime: number
  txid: string
  time: number
  timereceived: number
  bip125replaceable?: BIP125
  details: InWalletTransactionDetail[]
  hex: string

interface InWalletTransactionDetail {
  address: string
  category: InWalletTransactionCategory
  amount: number
  label: string
  vout: number
  fee: number
  abandoned: boolean

enum BIP125 {
  YES = 'yes',
  NO = 'no',
  UNKNOWN = 'unknown'

enum InWalletTransactionCategory {
  SEND = 'send',
  RECEIVE = 'receive',
  GENERATE = 'generate',
  IMMATURE = 'immature',
  ORPHAN = 'orphan'


Return object containing various wallet state info.

interface wallet {
  getWalletInfo (): Promise<WalletInfo>

interface WalletInfo {
  walletname: string
  walletversion: number
  balance: BigNumber
  unconfirmed_balance: BigNumber
  immature_balance: BigNumber
  txcount: number
  keypoololdest: number
  keypoolsize: number
  keypoolsize_hd_internal: number
  unlocked_until: number
  paytxfee: BigNumber
  hdseedid: string
  private_keys_enabled: boolean
  avoid_reuse: boolean
  scanning: {
    duration: number
    progress: number


Change the state of the given wallet flag for a wallet.

interface wallet {
  setWalletFlag (flag: WalletFlag, value: boolean = true): Promise<WalletFlagResult>

interface WalletFlagResult {
  flag_name: string
  flag_state: boolean
  warnings: string


Returns a new DeFi address for receiving payments. If 'label' is specified, it's added to the address book. So payments received with the address will be associated with 'label'.

interface wallet {
  getNewAddress (label: string = '', addressType = AddressType.BECH32): Promise<string>


Validate and return information about the given DFI address.

interface wallet {
  validateAddress (address: string): Promise<ValidateAddressResult>

interface ValidateAddressResult {
  isvalid: boolean
  address: string
  scriptPubKey: string
  isscript: boolean
  iswitness: boolean
  witness_version: number
  witness_program: string


Return information about the given address.

interface wallet {
  getAddressInfo (address: string): Promise<AddressInfo>

interface AddressInfo {
  address: string
  scriptPubKey: string
  ismine: boolean
  iswatchonly: boolean
  solvable: boolean
  desc: string
  isscript: boolean
  ischange: true
  iswitness: boolean
  witness_version: number
  witness_program: string
  script: ScriptType
  hex: string
  pubkeys: string[]
  sigsrequired: number
  pubkey: string
  embedded: {
    address: string
    scriptPubKey: string
    isscript: boolean
    iswitness: boolean
    witness_version: number
    witness_program: string
    script: ScriptType
    hex: string
    sigsrequired: number
    pubkey: string
    pubkeys: string[]
  iscompressed: boolean
  label: string
  timestamp: number
  hdkeypath: string
  hdseedid: string
  hdmasterfingerprint: string
  labels: Label[]

interface Label {
  name: string
  purpose: string


Send an amount to given address and return a transaction id.

interface wallet {
  sendToAddress (address: string, amount: number, options: SendToAddressOptions = {}): Promise<string>

interface SendToAddressOptions {
  comment?: string
  commentTo?: string
  subtractFeeFromAmount?: boolean
  replaceable?: boolean
  confTarget?: number
  estimateMode?: Mode
  avoidReuse?: boolean


List groups of addresses which have had their common ownership made public by common use as inputs or as the resulting change in past transactions.

interface wallet {
  listAddressGroupings (): Promise<string | BigNumber[][][]>


Send given amounts to multiple given address and return a transaction id.

interface wallet {
  sendMany (amounts: Record<string, number>, subtractfeefrom: string [] = [], options: SendManyOptions = {}): Promise<string>

interface SendManyOptions {
  comment?: string
  replaceable?: boolean
  confTarget?: number
  estimateMode?: Mode

enum Mode {


Reveals the private key corresponding to an address.

interface wallet {
  dumpPrivKey (address: string): Promise<string>


Adds a private key (as returned by dumpprivkey) to your wallet. Requires a new wallet backup.

interface wallet {
  importPrivKey (privkey: string, label: string = "", rescan: boolean = true): Promise<void>


Returns a list of currently loaded wallets.

For full information on the wallet, use getWalletInfo

interface wallet {
  listWallets (): Promise<string[]>