
What is testcontainers?

Similar to testcontainers in the Java ecosystem, this package provides a lightweight, throwaway instances of regtest, testnet or mainnet provisioned automatically in a Docker container. @defichain/testcontainers encapsulate on top of the defi/defichain Docker image and directly interface with the Docker REST API on your localhost.

With @defichain/testcontainers, it allows DeFiChain JS developers to:

  1. End-to-end test applications without the hassle of setting up toolchain
  2. Run parallel tests as port number and container are dynamically generated on demand
  3. Supercharge your CI workflow; run locally, anywhere or CI (as long as it has Docker installed)
  4. Quality and reliability to dApps on the DeFiChain JS ecosystem


Install as dev only as you don't need this in production. Please don't use this in production!

npm i defichain
npm i -D @defichain/testcontainers


  • RegTestContainer provides a defid node managed in Docker.
  • MasterNodeRegTestContainer provides a pre-configured masternode with coins auto minting.
  • You can use your favourite test runner and set it up as part of the test lifecycle.


import {RegTestContainer} from '@defichain/testcontainers'

describe('reg test container', () => {
  const container = new RegTestContainer()

  beforeEach(async () => {
    await container.start()
    await container.waitForReady()

  afterEach(async () => {
    await container.stop()

  it('should getmintinginfo and chain should be regtest', async () => {
    // Using node.call('method', []), the built-in minimalistic rpc call
    const result = await container.call('getmintinginfo', [])


With MasterNodeRegTestContainer, you can run a preconfigured masternode with staking enabled to auto mint every second. Additionally, you can use waitForWalletCoinbaseMaturity to wait for coinbase maturity for your minted coins to be spendable.

import {MasterNodeRegTestContainer} from '@defichain/testcontainers'
import waitForExpect from "wait-for-expect";

describe('master node pos minting', () => {
  const container = new MasterNodeRegTestContainer()

  beforeEach(async () => {
    await container.start()
    await container.waitForReady()
    await container.waitForWalletCoinbaseMaturity()

  afterEach(async () => {
    await container.stop()

  it('should wait until coinbase maturity with spendable balance', async () => {
    await waitForExpect(async () => {
      const info = await container.getMiningInfo()

    // perform utxostoaccount rpc
    const address = await container.getNewAddress()
    const payload: { [key: string]: string } = {}
    payload[address] = "100@0"
    await container.call("utxostoaccount", [payload])

GenesisKeys is provided as a reference to the Genesis masternodes used in regtest. The owner keys of the first 2 and last 2 GenesisKeys have Foundation Authorization, and can be used to test functionality that requires Foundation Authorization.

Convenience methods


const container = new RegTestContainer()

// they are dynmaically assigned to host, you can run multiple concurrent tests!
const rpcURL = await container.getCachedRpcUrl()

call('method', [])

const container = new RegTestContainer()

// raw calls
const {blocks} = await container.call('getmininginfo')
const address = await container.call('getnewaddress', ['label', 'legacy'])

// basic included methods
const count = await container.getBlockCount()
const info = await container.getMiningInfo()
const newAddress = await container.getNewAddress()

Using with Full Node APIs

Instead of connecting to a full node binary, you can spin up containers with @defichain/testcontainers. This allows you to run parallelizable and reproducible unit test with the strongly-typed jellyfish Full Node APIs.

import { MasterNodeRegTestContainer } from '@defichain/testcontainers'
import { JsonRpcClient } from '@defichain/jellyfish-api-jsonrpc'

// Setting up the container & client
const container = new MasterNodeRegTestContainer()
const rpcURL = await container.getCachedRpcUrl()
const client = new JsonRpcClient(rpcURL)

// Getting your balance
const balance = await client.wallet.getBalance()